2024 exhibition in Niel Museum

2024 exhibition in Niel Museum

EventsArts, crafts and shows
6 route du port du Niel
83400 Hyères
I'm going by train
From 18 Sep to 23 Sep
Full price: 12 €, Reduced price: 10 €, Child: 6 €. Free entry for children < 12 years.
  1. / 2024 exhibition in Niel Museum

2024 exhibition in Niel Museum

6 route du port du Niel
83400 Hyères
I'm going by train


For the exhibition opening on May 3, 2024, the Musée du Niel has chosen an original perspective by associating two avant-gardes that marked the second half of the 20th century in France.
The museum has chosen to associate two French avant-garde movements of the 20th century.
In 1941, the exhibition entitled ‘Vingt jeunes peintres de tradition française’ shattered the silence in art following the shock, despair and the resignation of defeat and surrender to the Occupation. Among them, Jean Bazaine, Jean Bertholle, Maurice Estève, Charles Lapicque, Jean Le Moal and Alfred Manessier fired by a spirit of resistance, defined a new way of painting in favour of non-figurative art.
Thirty years later, a dozen painters, brought together by a profound desire to revolutionize the art of painting, launched the Supports/Surfaces movement. They challenged all academicism with their creative works of deconstruction and innovation, making a deep impression on the history of art. The exhibition will feature works by André-Pierre Arnal, Louis Cane, Marc Devade, Daniel Dezeuze, Noël Dolla, Jean-Pierre Pincemin, Patrick Saytour, Claude Viallat.

Spoken languages

Openings & pricing


From 03/05 to 13/10/2024 between 11 am and 7 pm.
Closed on Tuesday.


Full price: 12 €, Reduced price: 10 €, Child: 6 €.

Free entry for children < 12 years.

Mise à jour le 06/05/2024
Par Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée

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