

L'omniprésence de l'eau, qui a façonné l'histoire de Barjols guidera vos pas au son de ses gargouillis, de ses fontaines et de ses lavoirs. Barjols est un joli village qui invite à la flânerie.
83670 Barjols
I'm going by train
  1. / Barjols


83670 Barjols
I'm going by train


Irrigated by three rivers, Barjols is home to no less than 30 fountains and 13 ancient washtubs. The silhouette of the ancient tanneries stands witness to the village's former thriving leather industry, which prospered in the 19th century.

The omnipresence of water, which shaped the history of Barjols, now guides visitors to the sound of bubbling fountains. Set around a beautiful collegiate church, Barjols is a pretty village, perfect for a pleasant stroll.

Mise à jour le 19/10/2020
Par Agence de Développement Touristique Var Tourisme

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