Chapel of Our Lady of Health

Chapel of Our Lady of Health

Votive chapel built from 1876 to 1879 following the cholera epidemic that spared Cuers in 1865. Panoramic view from the esplanade: the Barres de Cuers, the town and the Massif des Maures.
Montée Notre Dame de Santé
83390 Cuers
I'm going by train
  1. / Chapel of Our Lady of Health

Chapel of Our Lady of Health

Montée Notre Dame de Santé
83390 Cuers
I'm going by train


The people of Cuers made a vow to build a chapel to thank the Virgin for having preserved the town during the cholera epidemic in 1865. Initially, a statue of the Virgin and Child was built on a pedestal. This was a construction decided by the parish, paid for by the parish and the generosity of the parishioners. Construction began in 1876 and was completed in 1878. When the Church and State separated in December 1905, the chapel became a communal building.

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Free access.

Mise à jour le 20/10/2022
Par Office de tourisme intercommunal La Londe les Maures, Cuers, Collobrières, Pierrefeu du Var

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