Guided tour of Tourtour

Guided tour of Tourtour

Guided tourEventsArts, crafts and shows
83690 Tourtour
I'm going by train
On 11 September 2024
Full price: 3 €, Child: 1.50 €. Free entry for children < 7 years. Group rate available for > 15 people.
  1. / Guided tour of Tourtour

Guided tour of Tourtour

83690 Tourtour
I'm going by train


Visit of the medieval village with its panoramic view including the visit of St-Denis church, of the Fossils Museum and of the traditionnal oil mill.
Informations and inscriptions at the Tourist Office :
The visit starts with a comment about the unique panoramic view, goes through the medieval village from the St-Denis church (XIth century) to the olive oil mill , last one to be communal and functionning the traditionnal way with water-powered mill and man-powered press.
It passes by the casttles of XIIth and XVIIth centuries , the sculptures of Bernard Buffet and the traditionnal washing place with its ancient watering system and includes a commented visit in Victor Zaneboni's fossils museum wich shows an outstanding collection of ammonites and dinosaurus eggs.

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Openings & pricing


From 17/07 to 18/09/2024, every Wednesday at 5.30 pm.

Subject to favorable weather. Cancelled in case of bad weather.


Full price: 3 €, Child: 1.50 €.

Free entry for children < 7 years.
Group rate available for > 15 people.

Mise à jour le 05/09/2024
Par Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon

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