Le Langoustier beach

Le Langoustier beach

The Langoustier beach is a marvel, sheltered from the wind and swell.
83400 Hyères
I'm going by train
  1. / Le Langoustier beach

Le Langoustier beach

83400 Hyères
I'm going by train


Located at the western tip of the island, on the northern side of the Langoustier isthmus, the white beach has to be earned: 4.5km from the village, on a fairly uneven track (1h15 on foot or 45mn by bike), it reserves its 500m of golden sand for the bravest! It's sheltered from the easterly wind and the seabed is shallow.

Reminder: "From 19/06 to 20/09, access to the Var's forest massifs is regulated to prevent the risk of fire. For further information: https://www.risque-prevention-incendie.fr/var/

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Mise à jour le 04/07/2024
Par Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée

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