Un beau village perché de Provence, comme on les aime. Son imposant château domine le village, construit en éventail à ses pieds. Les ruelles étroites sont bordées par les hauts murs des maisons en pierres, menant aux placettes ombragées. Et la vue...
83560 Saint-Martin
I'm going by train
/ Saint-Martin-de-Pallières
83560 Saint-Martin
I'm going by train
Set between wooded hills and agricultural plains, Saint-Martin-de-Pallières is a medieval hilltop village, typical of the fortified villages of Haute Provence. Ranked among Le Var's "Villages of Character", it fans out on the hillside, with its winding lines and narrow houses huddling around a magnificent castle (now privately owned) and church.
Labels, brands and classified sites
Villages of character of Var
Mise à jour le 27/04/2021 Par Agence de Développement Touristique Var Tourisme