

Station balnéaire du XIX° siècle, Sainte-Maxime a conservé son Casino et son patrimoine. Une station familiale où il fait bon se balader au bord de mer, flâner dans les ruelles ombragées et profiter de l’animation locale et des activités proposées.
Office de tourisme de Sainte-Maxime
83120 Sainte-Maxime
I'm going by train
  1. / Sainte-Maxime


Office de tourisme de Sainte-Maxime
83120 Sainte-Maxime
I'm going by train


Sainte-Maxime became a renowned seaside resort in the late 19th century – and has remained so ever since! In addition to its Casino, the town still sports various architecture from that era.

You can enjoy discover its heritage through the "20th Century Architecture" walking itineraries. The shaded streets of this "Family Plus" destination unveil a delightful covered market, open every morning. You can then head down to the port and take a stroll along the front.
Novelty seekers keen to get off the beaten track will certainly enjoy a visit to the "Musée du Phonographe et de la Musique Mécanique" (Gramophone and Mechanical Music museum).

Mise à jour le 29/01/2018
Par Office de tourisme de Sainte Maxime

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