The Dédé Cade

The Dédé Cade

The cade : An unavoidable speciality of the Var landscape.
Quai du Levant
83110 Sanary-sur-Mer
I'm going by train
  1. / The Dédé Cade

The Dédé Cade

Quai du Levant
83110 Sanary-sur-Mer
I'm going by train


This chickpea cake, cooked over a wood fire as in the olden days, is served hot as an aperitif.

Since 1989, we have been offering our product, which has already won over a large number of customers (local authorities, Var County Council, wine estates, etc.).

History of Cade

Once upon a time, there was a time...
This gold-coloured wafer, a large disc of soft dough, cooked over a wood fire, arrived one fine day, nearly two hundred years ago in the musette of the Genoese carpenters. Brought back by Napoleon's armies, it settled in Toulon in the Besagne district.
Distributed by auction in the streets, cade was once the morning snack, even the favourite lunch of the shipyard workers.

To be discovered every Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the market of Sanary!

Spoken languages


Sale on the markets



Openings & pricing


Every day throughout the year between 7 am and 1 pm.
Closed on Wednesday.


A voir directement sur place.

Mise à jour le 04/09/2024
Par Office de Tourisme de Sanary sur Mer

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