Verdon Gorges

Verdon Gorges

The Verdon Gorges forms the biggest canyon of Europe: it’s an area where space and vastness are mixing. In the limestone of Haute Provence plateau, the river dug a 25 km long canyon, 700 m deep in places.
83630 Aiguines
(6729 reviews)
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  1. / Verdon Gorges

Verdon Gorges

(6729 reviews)
83630 Aiguines
I'm going by train


The Verdon Gorges were classified in 1990. They are the object of an annual attendance estimated at more than one million visitors and have an international reputation. They are in a process of Operation Grand Site (OGS) of France since 2002.

A Grand Site is a remarkable territory (landscape, natural and cultural qualities), whose national dimension is recognized by a classification of a significant part of the territory (classification for the protection of natural monuments and sites), which welcomes a large public and is committed to a partnership approach of sustainable and coordinated management to preserve its value, attractiveness, and landscape integrity.

The objectives of an OGS are: to restore and protect the landscape, natural and cultural quality of the site; to improve the quality of the visit while respecting the site; to promote local socio-economic development while respecting the inhabitants.

The purpose of an OGS is to accompany the territory towards obtaining the "Grand Site de France" label.

On site

Nouveau critère de recherche (Fr)

Spoken languages


Tour free of charge
Guided tours
Coach access
Motorhomes allowed
Pets welcome


Picnic area

Openings & pricing


All year long, subject to snow conditions


Free access

Mise à jour le 19/01/2024
Par Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon

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