Wheeled sports and multisport ground

Wheeled sports and multisport ground

Made up of a small stadium, street workout equipment, a skate park and a roller-hockey pitch. With free access, the entire area allows users to safely practise the activity of their choice.
295 rue de la gare
83210 La Farlède
I'm going by train
  1. / Wheeled sports and multisport ground

Wheeled sports and multisport ground

295 rue de la gare
83210 La Farlède
I'm going by train


The skate park allows rollerbladers, skateboarders, BMX riders and scooter riders to perform their best tricks.
The city stadium, with its synthetic grass and high nets all around, is perfectly suited for ball games without the risk of unintentional exits. The 800m2 roller-hockey pitch is accessible to all, appart from the weekly time of the “Farlédois Roller Club”. A street workout equipment completes the offer of the open-access activities. Mixing fitness and weight training, they are waiting for you!

Spoken languages


Equipements (fr)

Openings & pricing


From 01/05 to 30/09, daily between 9 am and 7 pm.

From 01/10 to 30/04, daily between 9 am and 5 pm.


Free access.

Mise à jour le 02/06/2021
Par Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de la Vallée du Gapeau

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