The island of Port Cros, nature at its best

Port-Cros Island: an exceptional experience

Theisland of Port-Cros is one of the most beautiful nature destinations in the Var, earning it the nickname "the pearl of the Golden Isles". As the heart of the Port-Cros National Park, Port-Cros Island is undoubtedly one of the must-visit sites in the Var.

Once you've landed on the island of Port-Cros, explore the small port with its fishermen's cottages and restaurants, and visit the Maison du Parc. Before exploring the island, you can climb up to the Fort de l'Estissac to admire the superb panorama of the islet of Bagaud and the view over the island.

Follow the paths, on land or in the water, to discover the treasures of Port-Cros, such as the " Sentier sous-marin de la Palud " and the " Circuit des Crêtes ". The island's greatest surprises can be found underwater, with world-famous diving spots such as the Dalles de Bagaud and the Rocher de la Gabinière.

Parc national de Port-Cros village

Practical tips for discovering Port-Cros island

Before embarking, make sure you have everything you need to get to the island, as Port-Cros is the wildest of the Hyères islands. You'll need the right equipment to get around the island: bottled water, shoes and possibly walking sticks (because of the steep gradients), hats or caps, sun cream and sunglasses... And above all, don't forget your flippers, mask and snorkel, so you can marvel at the underwater treasures of Port-Cros island.

There are a number of restaurants on the island of Port-Cros, most of which specialise in Mediterranean fish, which they show off to best advantage with their fine southern cuisine. Such is the case of the Manoir de Port-Cros, a historic establishment on the island, now a hotel renowned for its semi-gastronomic and local cuisine. You'll also find Anse de Port-Cros, Sun Bistro, Maison du Four andHostellerie Provençale. Find all the tourist establishments on the island of Port-Cros, hotels, activity providers and restaurants, by clicking on our "Hotels, restaurants, activities in Port-Cros" button.

Beaches and underwater path

Beaches at Port-Cros

The beaches of Port-Cros are very different from the large sandy beaches of Porquerolles. Here, you'll discover small coves with crystal-clear waters teeming with life. The island of Port-Cros has three beaches, Plage du Sud, Plage de la Palud and Plage de Port-Man, all accessible via steep, very pleasant paths. Plage de la Pal ud faces the Rascasse rocks, where you can walk the famous Port-Cros underwater trail. You can also visit the beaches and coves of Port-Cros by private boat, but we recommend that you respect the navigation and anchoring regulations, as you are in a National Park!

The Palud underwater trail, the treasure of Port-Cros island

The underwater trail at La Palud: This is a 30-minute snorkelling tour to discover the abundant Mediterranean marine flora and fauna. The route is marked out by 6 buoys equipped with underwater information panels. Access is free to all swimmers equipped with fins, mask and snorkel. The trail runs between the Rascasse rock and La Palud beach. This area features all the Mediterranean ecosystems at depths of between 0 and 10 metres, with a wide variety of species and environments. If you're looking for something to do this weekend in the Var and you're not familiar with Port-Cros and its underwater trail, we can guarantee you a wonderful activity.

sentier sous-marin de la Palud à Port Cros

The Port-Cros ridge circuit

A hike with a sublime panorama

Now that the watery treasures of Port-Cros no longer hold any secrets for you, we invite you to continue your discovery of the island by taking the Crêtes trail, a difficult but essential hike to discover the inner beauty of the island and appreciate the attractions of this massif and its ecological wealth. This ten-kilometre hike is fairly strenuous, taking at least three hours to complete and involving a steep climb (including a pass over Mont Vinaigre, the island's highest point at 187m - not to be confused with its namesake in the Massif de l'Estérel).

Along the way, you can enjoy views of the mainland, Le Levant and the island of Bagaud, but above all the southern coast of Port-Cros, which is the wildest part of the island. This trail is also a great way to meet species endemic to the island of Port-Cros, including nesting birds (26 species recorded out of 177 bird species observed on the island), as well as typical Mediterranean flora.

This complete range of natural landscapes, discoveries and physical activities makes the island of Port-Cros an ideal destination for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers looking for an unusual weekend in the Var.

Vue panoramique de l'île de Port Cros - plage de la Palud

Port Cros National Park and its exceptional natural heritage

Port Cros, an island dedicated to preserving nature

Port-Cros has always been an island of striking nature and biodiversity. Historically, it was long isolated from the mainland because it was attacked by pirates and barbarians. It was protected from external threats by Richelieu in the 17th century, who built three fortifications (Fort de l'Eminence, Fort de l'Estissac and Fort de Port Man). Then, during the first half of the 20th century, it became a favourite holiday destination for a host of literary figures who came to sample the charms of this small island, including Saint-John Perse, André Malraux, André Gide and Paul Valéry. Fallen under the spell of Port-Cros and the gentle way of life on this small Provençal island, they contributed to its renown and preservation. Indeed, André Malraux, now a minister, was behind the creation of the National Park in 1963. Port-Cros thus became Europe's first Marine National Park.

See the National Park website

Discover the new destination website

Parc national de Port Cros - Mission de surveillance en mer

The second oldest national park in France, Port-Cros offers a protected natural area, on land and at sea, and is a genuine marine and ornithological reserve. This public institution has several missions: to protect, but also to explain, educate and pass on information. The Park presents its natural heritage through its fauna, flora and landscapes, as well as its history and architectural heritage. It has a considerable historical heritage: Roman remains, around thirty shipwrecks and twenty or so forts and military batteries. The Port-Cros National Park also offers hiking itineraries and themed events, backed up by a collective brand, the Esprit parc national brand.

The National Park manages a number of natural areas acquired by the Conservatoire du Littoral, including the Giens peninsula, the Salins d'Hyères, Cap Lardier and other sites worth visiting in the Var. The Port-Cros National Park is a major player in tourism in the Var, thanks to the tourist appeal of the natural sites it manages, for which it must ensure consistency between environmental and economic objectives. The Esprit parc national collective brand helps to achieve this balance.

National Park spirit

A collective brand for virtuous tourism

The aim of the Esprit parc national brand is to unite the various players in the national parks, while at the same time raising consumer awareness, with a view to promoting the values of the protected area and its stakeholders. It is being deployed dynamically in the Port-Cros National Park, involving an increasing number of tourism providers and services. It is becoming a benchmark for responsible and virtuous tourism. We strongly recommend that you take a look at the Esprit Parc National brand: a wide range of high-quality service providers who are true ambassadors for the environmental cause in their respective fields. Whether you're looking for accommodation, restaurants and local produce, crafts or leisure activities, you can choose a service provider recognised for its environmental commitments. If you're interested, take a look at the Esprit parc national brand's 2020 inspiration guide, which contains ideas for nature breaks in France's various national parks, including Port-Cros.

The Esprit parc national 2024 inspiration guide

If you want to enjoy the Port Cros National Park from a distance, we invite you to try the " Mon RDV nature " app, launched in 2020 in partnership with Terre Sauvage magazine. The aim of this app is to offer you a daily invitation to travel, most often through photos of landscapes and the exceptional flora and fauna of the national parks, while raising your awareness of their roles and actions.

Esprit Parc National Port-Cros

Some ideas for nature outings on the island of Port-Cros

  • Naturelles Balades - Vincent Blondel
    To help you discover the island of Port-Cros, you can call on Vincent Blondel, a naturalist guide and botanist in the field, who will offer you a wide range of themed nature walks: fauna, flora, geology, ecology and the jobs done in nature.
  • Charlotte's walks - Charlotte Grégoire
    A guide and lecturer, Charlotte offers days out, excursions and breaks focusing on nature, sustainable development and rejuvenation.
  • La Draille Hyèroise" hiking club. This is an opportunity to explore the island with guides, in a relaxed atmosphere with other hiking enthusiasts.
  • Hiking Port-Cros: The ridges
  • Hiking Port-Cros: Port Man

Port Cros nature reserves and diving sites

The Rascasse rock, the Bagaud islet and the Gabinière rock..

The entire island of Port-Cros has been classified as a " heart of the park ", i.e. an area accessible to the general public where regulations in favour of environmental protection are at their strictest. A "heart of the Park" should enable everyone to experience unspoilt nature, as long as they respect the regulatory framework set by the public establishment. Within the heart of the Park, there are " integral reserves " which ensure the preservation of the natural heritage, the primary mission of a National Park. These reserves are off-limits to the public, and are veritable sanctuaries dedicated to the protection of existing ecosystems. On Port-Cros, there are three integral reserves: Bagaud Island, Rascasse Rock and Gabinière Rock.

These areas are renowned for their wonderful ecosystems, which have been able to thrive thanks to the sanctuary (despite persistent poaching...). The Port-Cros dive sites are world-renowned for their ecological richness, which is increasingly rare in the Mediterranean... We won't be able to list all the Port-Cros dive sites, but let's start with the Dalles de Bagaud, a very pleasant dive site suitable for beginners and experienced divers. Around 500 metres from the island of Bagaud, you'll find the only wreck in Port-Cros, the Barge aux congres, a dive site that is difficult to access due to its 49-metre depth, in an area subject to currents, but which will provide you with thrills and great encounters. The unmissable Gabinière rock is one of the most beautiful dive spots on the island of Port-Cros, with an abundance of fauna and flora, including a colony of groupers of all sizes. Near La Gabinière, you'll find the Pointe de la Croix and Pointe du vaisseau dive sites, two other must-see dive spots on the island. You can find all the dive sites and centres in Port-Cros and the Var on our dedicated page.

Please note: to take advantage of the Port-Cros dive sites, you must scrupulously respect the instructions set out in the Port-Cros National Park's " Diver's Charter ". As the island of Port-Cros is world-famous for its popular diving sites, it has been necessary to introduce regulations to ensure that diving is carried out in a responsible manner. All divers must read and sign this charter on their first dive of the year. You can consult the "diver's charter" online or at the Maison de Parc in Port-Cros.

Strict regulations on the island of Port-Cros

A national park is an exceptional territory, open to all and under everyone's responsibility.

You must consult the regulations of the Port-Cros National Park before visiting the island. Please note that it is forbidden to light fires or smoke outside the village to prevent the risk of fire and to keep the beaches clean. Camping and bivouacking are prohibited, as are the use of motorised vehicles and bicycles (permitted on Porquerolles). With the obvious aim of preserving marine flora and fauna, all forms of fishing are banned.

Since spring 2020, new regulations have been in place on the island of Port-Cros, concerning moorings for pleasure craft. It is now forbidden to anchor in the Passe de Bagaud (between the Port-Cros harbour and Bagaud Island) to protect the seabed and Posidonia fields, a vital ecosystem for the Mediterranean. A ZMEL (Zone de Mouillage et d'Equipements Légers - Mooring and Light Equipment Zone) has been created, comprising 68 mooring buoys with ecological anchors. Details of the conditions for using these buoys can be found here: the Bagaud MELZ. They are free to use between 8am and 6pm and chargeable after 6pm. Please note that no refunds will be made for cancellations.

Before planning your trip to Port-Cros, please check the weather conditions at Météo France de Hyères or Météo Marine Porquerolles.

How do I get to Port-Cros island?

To get to the island of Port-Cros, you'll board a maritime shuttle. For full details of how to get to the island, visit the website of the T.L.V. company, a public service operator, which operates shuttle services to the Iles d'Or from the Port de Hyères (Port Saint-Pierre) for Port-Cros and from the Tour Fondue (on the Presqu'île de Giens, in Hyères) for Porquerolles.

You can also get to Port-Cros thanks to :

- companies based in the port of Bormes-Les-Mimosas, opposite the island of Port-Cros,
- the Vedettes Iles d'Or company from Le Lavandou,
- bateliers de la Côte d'Azur from La Londe-les-Maures,
- or Bateliers de la Rade from Toulon.

Finally, there's the more unusual option of making the crossing by water taxi.

Navette maritime Hyères

Services and activities


See also...

Discover the other îles d'Or / îles d'Hyères.