Métiers d'Art, Le Var brand!

Consommez local, consommez artisanalDo you have the rhyme?
So it's not just a matter of course that our region is home to a wealth of expertise, enhanced by the many and varied skills of its craftsmen and women.

Discover the virtuosos of excellence

Their talent transforms clay, wood, textiles and stone... They imagine, shape and restore objects to create exceptional pieces. Come on in!
Can you smell the authenticity? That passion? You're in the intimacy of a craftsman's workshop. This expertise also tells the story of a heritage that has been skilfully perpetuated over time, a legacy of history and innovation.

The aim of the Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat is to help you discover the wealth of arts and crafts in our region by offering you unique experiences.

Working closely with the craftspeople, our organisation has selected the very best in arts and crafts for you, and invites you to enjoy a 100% Var craft experience!

Discover our selection

Découverte des métiers de l'Art

The art of ceramics: discover the skills of Var artisans

The Var has a strong ceramics tradition, forged over the centuries. Many villages (Brue-Auriac, Saint-Zacharie, Villecroze, Barjols, Varages, Salernes...) specialised in the production of renowned ceramics. At the height of this art form, in the 19th century, the Var rivalled Italy in the quality of its production and decoration: briquettes, tiles, floor tiles, crockery, etc. Even today, at the start of the 21st century, Salernes and Varages still carry the Var name high in the art of ceramics.

Find out more about ceramics in the Var


The other speciality of the Var crafts: reeds

Provence cane, found throughout the Mediterranean basin, is often regarded as an invasive plant that can only be used to make reeds to demarcate properties, cut wind, shelter from the sun and make baskets. In the Var, however, it has acquired its letters of nobility, as it is used to make reeds for wind instruments.

All the French reed makers are based in the Var, close to the reed beds! They are based in Hyères, Cogolin and Ollioules, and export all over the world: the world's greatest jazz players swear by the "Var reed", the finest craftsmanship from Provence and the Var. They're making it vibrate in the four corners of the globe!

Musique Jazz

Santons of Provence

Emblems of Provence, santons are the soul of the nativity scene. Every year, we wait impatiently to take them out of the boxes and create our own little nativity scene. Every year, enthusiasts add a new creation to the little Provencal village: a little house, the wash-house, the mill or the baker's oven. Discover the ancestral skills of the santonniers de Provence in the Var.

L'art santonnier

Extend the experience!

Visit Artiboutik.fr, the online shop for arts and crafts created by the Chambre de Métiers :

See the online shop

Services and activities


See also...

Discover the cultural wealth of the Var.