All the centres are aware of the need to develop their activity in compliance with safety and protection conditions. Some of them wish to affirm and display this by adhering to certain labels and charters.
The Var is home to the first national land and marine park (1971), the Parc national de Port-Cros, which uses the national park brand " Esprit parc national ". Under this banner, you'll find all the services offered by professionals based in the Port-Cros National Park who have obtained the mark.
The "International Charter for Responsible Diving" was created by the Longitude 181 association. It has been adopted by a number of diving federations, including the Fédération Française d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins FFESSM, and is designed to encourage signatory centres to consider and implement optimal diving conditions for the preservation and equitable sharing of the sea's riches. This charter is a guide whose proposals must be considered on a case-by-case basis, given the diversity of diving sites around the world. The proposals concern all stages of the diving and holiday experience. In the Var, although almost all the centres respect the spirit of the charter, 11 diving centres are members. Find out more about the member centres.
The "Qualité Tourisme" label guarantees quality service and facilities: a warm welcome, comfort, local resources, competent staff, etc. 4 centres in the Var have been awarded the "Qualité Tourisme" label.
Scuba diving in the "marine heartland" of the Port-Cros National Park is regulated. It is compulsory to sign the regulations on