Fishing in the Var

The Var is a department on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but it also has a rich natural heritage, made up of a number of lakes and rivers, all peaceful places that are ideal for fishing.

The lakes are excellent natural spots, where beginners and experienced anglers meet to fish. You'll find a wide variety of fish, including pike, zander, black bass, catfish, brown trout, rainbow trout and many more!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of places to venture out in search of the finest fish:

  • Lac de Sainte-Suzanne: better known as Lac de Carcès, in the commune of Carcès in the centre of the Var, where many anglers go during the summer .
  • The Gorges du Verdon: Europe's largest canyon offers a wide range of water sports, as well as numerous fishing spots, such as the Lac de Sainte-Croix in the Verdon, where you can choose between currents and calm waters!
  • Lac de Saint Cassien: located near Montauroux and Tanneron, this lake is open to bathing and water sports activities, but is also a popular spot for anglers, particularly on the Plage de l'Américain to the west of the lake .
  • Rivers: the Var has an abundance of rivers, including the Argens and the Nartuby.

Find out more about the natural heritage of lakes and rivers in the Var

Some areas are still off-limits to fishing during wildlife reproduction periods, so it's best to consult a specialist fishing guide beforehand, or consult the relevant maps on site.

lac ste croix pêcheurs groupe pêche canne à pêche pratique pêche activité var lac

What fish can you catch in the Var?

Here are a few species of fish found in the lakes and rivers of the Var, which you may catch on your outings:

  • Brown trout and rainbow trout:

The trout is a species of fish much coveted by anglers. The fario trout is recognisable by its mottled brown coat and shades of yellow and green on its back. In comparison, rainbow trout are brown and silver in colour. They can be fished from the 2nd Saturday in March to the Sunday in September inclusive.

Trout are found in many rivers, most commonly in the Artuby and Lac Sainte-Croix.

  • Black bass:

With its stocky body and olive green colour, this fish lives alone. It likes calm waters, so it can be caught in lakes such as Lac de Carcès and Lac de Saint-Cassien. It is best to go black-bass fishing during rainy weather, when it takes the opportunity to come out of its hiding places in search of insects and small fish.

  • Pike:

The pike is a fish with an elongated shape that can measure up to 130 cm for females! It can also be recognised by its imposing snout and the yellowish spots on its body. It likes to hunt other fish in grass beds, which is where you can try to catch it by surprise. More specifically, go for ponds and lakes, as well as the Argens river.

Pike-perch, carp, zander, catfish... There are so many other species to choose from, you can find alist of fish species in the Var on the Fédération de la Pêche du Var website .

pecheur matériel pêche riviere canne a pêche pêcher var

Planning a trip? Test our fishing accommodation!

Would you like to spend several days in the great outdoors, while enjoying accommodation specially adapted for anglers? If so, consider the "fishing accommodation" label, managed by the departmental fishing federations.

Anglers can enjoy accommodation close to one or more fishing sites and waterholes, and benefit from services such as equipment storage. They can also get advice on how to obtain a fishing licence, and equipment may also be on sale there.

Peche en eau douce - Lac de Sainte Croix

Did you know? No-kill fishing routes

No killfishing is a practice that has become increasingly popular in recent years. More precisely, it's a place devoted solely to fishing, but with an obligation to release the fish.

The Var fishing federation and the Associations Agréées pour la Pêche et la Protection du Milieu Aquatique (AAPPMA) have created an interactive map of all the No Kill courses in the Var. In all, there are 29 courses open to this practice throughout the Var department.

pécheur canne à pêche rivière pêche var

Dates and obligations for fishing

The opening dates are governed by very specific regulations. To fish in the Var, you need to refer to the official calendar at the start of each year. Be sure to check the opening dates for each fish in your département, and make sure your fishing licence card is up to date. Orders can be placed online, and several prices are available depending on the level or age of the prospective angler.

Going fishing in the Var also means organising your equipment. As well as complying with the fishing permits for the area in question, you'll also need the right clothing and equipment. To do this, ask at a shop specialising in the sale or hire of fishing equipment.

pecheur barque lac ste croix var pecher

All lake and river fishing events

Find out about all the lake and river fishing events in the Var.

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Discover our other water sports activities.